Company Maintenance:
More Accessibility for Users with Admin Permissions

Over the past year many clients have voiced their opinions on our insertion of a system password requirement for any changes to the company maintenance area in Ventus. Designed to keep clients from making changes that will break their system and informing the development team of areas where we can make things easier for our clients, this addition has created a frustration for many of you. In order to still accomplish our initial goal and ease contention, we have started the process of locking down only the required fields that will be harmful to how the system interacts. In the latest update, Users with Admin permissions can now access Company Maintenance and change certain fields without requesting a password from support. Many fields no longer need a password to change. Fields that still require a password will have an icon next to them. Selecting a password protected field will bring up a message to contact support for assistance. At this point, a password will need to be requested. Once a password has been obtained from support, select the icon as shown below to bring up the box where the password can be entered. All fields within company maintenance will then be available to update.
Step 1: Select and Enter Admin Password

Step 2:
Items that are still secured will have the following icon . . .

Items that you can now change, the lock will be gone . . .